ATHENA institutions are currently in the stage of implementing their Gender Equality Plans
15/11/2022, 12:11h

ATHENA institutions are currently in the stage of implementing their Gender Equality Plans


The main objective of the ATHENA project is to support its partner institutions in the development and implementation of their Gender Equality Plans (GEPs). After a thorough drafting process that also involved the high and middle management of each institution, ATHENA´s RPOs and RFOs have approved their GEPs and they are currently in the process of implementing them.

All the GEPs were developed following a common project approach which consisted of defining common targets that the ATHENA institutions designing their GEPs should include within their plans. Some of these GEPs have recently been officially adopted, such as the Jožef Stefan Institute.

The GEPs implemented will be closely monitored and assessed following the ATHENA Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) system. The ATHENA institutions have developed indicators for the M&E of the GEPs following the project guidelines. There will be annual online meetings to analyse the progress made throughout the year and to discuss possible difficulties when implementing the GEPs.

Furthermore, project partners will be meeting in January 2023 for a 2nd Mutual Learning Workshop, where they will exchange experiences about the challenges encountered when implementing their GEPs, taking it as an opportunity to learn from each other.

If you would like to learn more about our partners’ GEPs, you can have a look at our ATHENA website!


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