Join the #SafeAcademy campaign to commemorate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
02/02/2023, 09:02h

Join the #SafeAcademy campaign to commemorate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science












Women and girls are more likely to be exposed to gender-based violence and sexual harassment in education and academia than their male counterparts. Also, LGBTQ+, ethnic minorities and persons with handicaps and people with multiple disadvantages are often targets of different forms of violence and discrimination. This may play an important role in the decisions that these groups of people make about becoming a researcher and staying in academia.

ATHENA is joining GENDERACTIONplus in its campaign on the occasion of the International Day for Women and Girls in Science (IDWGS) to raise awareness about the importance of creating safe, respectful, and inclusive environments in academia for all.

How can you join?

Post under #SafeAcademia between 11 and 17 February 2023 on Twitter or other social media:

      • a statement about why it is necessary to address the issue;
      • what has been done or is planned at your institution to ensure #SafeAcademia;
      • and/or join and share information about your (or your institution´s) endorsement of a call for action to end gender-based violence launched within the framework of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU in November 2022. Help us to spread the word about the call by tagging/nominating 3 of your friends or colleagues who you think would consider it important to endorse the call and also ask to forward this request to another 3!

Use English and/or your national language.

You can download the graphical PPT template to create longer statements and save some precious characters for your Tweets and tagging/nominations your friends and colleagues.

Do not hesitate to share, retweet/repost the information about this campaign and tag ministries, governments, governmental bodies and organisations, persons in decision-making positions of responsible institutions, your colleagues, and friends. The text of this invitation is also available in PDF.


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