March 8th: UJK’s Debate on Women in Business and Science
09/03/2023, 17:03h

March 8th: UJK’s Debate on Women in Business and Science

International Women’s Day  at Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego in Kielcach  has come to a close! On March 8th, there was a debate between representatives of the women’s community in business during the event “The Women’s Side of Business” which was attended by women – students, lecturers, but also men who support women’s initiatives.

This initiative, held in UJK’s Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, preceded the X-jubilee edition of BUSINESS CAFES – regular, intimate meetings between business representatives and students. This time, the invited experts revealed their ways of overcoming fear of changes associated with running your own business.

As Dr. Ana Kamiska, ATHENA’s UJK team coordinator, presented ideas for achieving gender equality to open up the research and potential of RPOs and RFOs in Europe, the motivational business women who made up the panel of speakers became interested in supporting ATHENA’s efforts.


About the project

ATHENA is committed to strive towards gender equality, mitigating barriers to the recruitment, retention, and career progression of female researchers, and addressing gender imbalances in decision-making processes. ATHENA delivers and implements Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in 8 research performing (RPOs) and research funding organizations (RFOs). ATHENA ensures that all people, disregarding their gender, will have the opportunities to express their potential in research and contribute to an innovative, competitive and thriving Europe society.


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