The UB-ATHENA team created a page on the university website dedicated to the Gender Equality Plan
The University of Bucharest (UB) is currently developing and implementing its first Gender Equality Plan (GEP), which is being supported by the ATHENA project “Implementing gender equality plans to unlock research potential of RPOs and RFOs in Europe”. The UB-ATHENA team created a page on the university website that contains news, updates and documents relevant to the university’s GEP.
The website has several sections dedicated to the presentation of the ATHENA project activities, the team involved, sections with examples of gender equality plans from other institutions, statistics on gender equality in general and on gender equality in HEIs in particular, as well as related publications and news concerning the plan. A series of short thematic interviews with female academic and administrative staff will be conducted in the near future. UB staff, students included, have the possibility to offer confidential inputs and creative ideas for promoting gender equality within the institution.
Being a great step forward for promoting, preventing and monitoring gender equality aspects, the UB recognises and offers extended attention to this matter within the dedicated page. The page is mostly in Romanian to be accessible to the members of the academic community, but it has the option to automatically translate all the content into English as well.
The page and information about the GEP at UB can be found here.