The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria completed the training for the ATHENA Gender Equality Plans Implementation Committee members
The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), through the Equality Unit, completed the training for its Gender Equality Plans Implementation (GEPI) Committee members on ‘work-life balance and organisational culture’ and ‘how to combat gender-based violence and sexual harassment’.
This training was developed within the ATHENA capacity-building activities for systemic institutional change. The aim was to capacitate the GEPI Committee members on the situation and needs concerning the work-life balance at the ULPGC, flexible working time formulas and digital disconnection in the university context. Besides this, it was discussed good practices for possible interventions and policies, topics such as gender-based and sexual harassment and violence in the university context, protocols for preventing and tackling sexual harassment and gender-based violence, and other forms of violence and their approach from the university level.
These sessions contributed to the essential elements to take into account when analysing the diagnosis, as well as knowing how to identify, through the extracted results, the measures that should be included in the future Gender Equality Plan within the institution.
The training was delivered by Saray Rodríguez González and Laura Aguilera Ávila, professors at the University of La Laguna, and counted with the ATHENA e-platform for the distribution of materials, online courses, live streaming sessions, Powerpoints presentations and regulations and institutional documents.