The University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” presented its Gender Equality Plan to key stakeholders
14/06/2022, 10:06h

The University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” presented its Gender Equality Plan to key stakeholders


The Gender Equality Plan (GEP) of the University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” was officially presented to external stakeholders on June 10, 2022 in a special Round Table dedicated to avoiding discrimination.

The Minister of Education and Science of Bulgaria, as well as the Rector of the University of Ruse, opened this Round Table. Participants included strategic representatives from the educational sector and social services, who debated for over two hours about how to avoid discrimination in both educational and social institutions.

The ATHENA representatives shared the findings from the Gender Equality audit and assessment of  procedures and practices at organisational and national level. The ATHENA training, under the capacity building for Gender Equality Pan Implementation (GEPI) Committees activities, in 2021, was given special attention as the GEPI Committee at the University of Ruse received high quality information from both international and Bulgarian experts.

The key point of the discussion was how to avoid discrimination. Representatives from the educational sector emphasized that the current culture and national regulations are very supportive of equal rights for females and males in science career development. As a result, the presented GEP was welcomed as a reliable instrument for strengthening and sustaining these achievements regarding female and male tolerance.

The Round Table was held in conjunction with the Sixth Edition of the YOUTH INNOVATION EXPO, where 71 clubs for applied science (mainly from the University of Ruse and regional secondary schools) presented their accomplishments.

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