Webinar on “Vehicle occupant crash safety: Injury data, crash testing and the world’s first crash test dummy of an average female”
Professor Astrid Linder will present this webinar, which is part of the educational activities of the Centre for Gender and Science focusing on the gender dimension in research, on November 21st.
The lecture will contain a description of real-world data showing different levels of crash protection for females and males. There will also be presented a background and development of the world’s first crash test dummy of an average female, the Seat Evaluation Tool (SET) 50F and the equivalent average male, the SET 50M. Furthermore, the validation of the models is described and recent tests with different car seats are used as an illustration of what can be identified from crash tests when both a model of the female and male part of the population is used.
In addition, the recent development of virtual models for the assessment of occupant protection will be
described and discussed.
If you would like to register for the workshop, please do so by November 19th here.