Workshop “Exchanging Good Practices for Gender Equality in different sectors”
Start: 18/06/2024 - End: 18/06/2024

Workshop “Exchanging Good Practices for Gender Equality in different sectors”

The ATHENA project is holding a hybrid workshop “Exchanging Good Practices for Gender Equality in different sectors”, in synergy with the WinBlue project.

To follow the event online, you can connect at:

The in person attendance will be at:

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Biblioteca Room

P.le Aldo Moro 7 00185, Rome – Italy


  • 9:40-10:00 The ATHENA project (Beatrice Avagnina, Project coordination team)

  • 9:30-9:40 Welcome

  • 10:00-10:15The WINBLUE project (Dr. Patrizia Grifoni, coordinator

  • 10:15-10:30 Good practices from ATHENA (candidature from project partners)

  • 10:30-10:45 Good practices from WINBLUE, Giuseppe Saija, EWKNOW

  • 11:15-11:30A good practice from Oce-AW: designing an e-learning system to support, accelerate and secure women’s careers and their access to management positions in the maritime sector, Aurélie Raffy, Franck Schoefs

  • 11:30-11:50 Coffee Break

  • 10:45-11:00 Good Practices from AQUAWIND (Dr. Perello, Beatrice Avagnina)

  • 11:50-13:00 Participatory session on Gender Equality and Good practices in different sectors

    Facilitators: Noemi Biancone, Fernando Ferri, Beatrice Avagnina

  • 13:00-13:30 Conclusion

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